Great Skin That Doesn’t Require Luck!

Now that the days of worrying about a “snowpocalypse” are hopefully behind us, we are so excited to welcome spring; it’s only a matter of time before we’re all back enjoying warmer weather and great outdoors!  The providers of Abraham Medical Cosmetics understand how harsh the winter months can be on your skin and this month, we are sharing special savings to help revive your skin and have it looking in tip-top shape.

Earlier this year we welcomed the Cutera® excel HR™ laser system into our menu of cosmetic services and have had great success so far with both our laser hair removal and sun spot removal patients.  In fact, last month we hosted an open house event that featured the newest, state-of-the-art excel HR™ laser system and had such a good time with all of our attendees.  We wanted to say thank you to everyone who was able to make it and for those who weren’t able to attend, we’ll be having more events throughout the year that you’ll hopefully be able to make!

From unwanted veins, brown spot removal, hair and wrinkle reduction, our March specials have you covered from the top to bottom:


We wouldn’t want you to miss out on the savings so feel free to contact us to set up your next treatment. Our cosmetic skincare specials expire March 31st, 2015 and if you’d like further details, give us a call at 770-978-1161.  Be sure to also connect with Abraham Medical on Twitter and Google+ for the latest skin care specials and news.