How to Improve the Health of Your Heart

There is no such thing as a bad time to focus on our heart health. But with American Heart Month approaching, the healthcare providers at Abraham Family Medicine thought that now would be an excellent time to remind our patients of the importance of taking care of their heart. Heart disease is the number one cause of death for adults in the US by a fairly wide margin. Certain factors that lead to heart disease (like a family history) may be out of our control. However, there are several things we can do to live a heart-healthy lifestyle and treat our heart with the care that it needs and deserves. We recommend taking the following steps:

A Statistical Look at Heart Disease During American Heart MonthAdjust Your Diet Accordingly

This may seem obvious, but a healthier diet will lead to a healthier heart. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut your favorite foods out of your diet completely. It’s more of a reminder to make time for healthier choices and enjoy less heart-friendly options in moderation. Plant-based foods like fresh fruits and veggies are highly recommended. Try to cut back on refined or processed foods like white bread, pasta, and baked treats. For example, one simple thing we recommend is to reduce your intake of sugary beverages like soda and fruit juice.

Monitor Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the leading risk factors of heart disease in adults. We recommend getting your blood pressure tested regularly and being proactive if it is higher than it should be. Limiting your salt intake, cutting back on drinking alcohol, managing your stress, and avoiding smoking and other forms of nicotine can all be greatly beneficial. If these changes don’t help, we may be able to prescribe a blood pressure medication that will.

Try to Keep Moving

Staying physically active is highly recommended. We recommend 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day, 5 days a week.  However, there are more ways to keep moving than with conventional exercise or trips to the gym. This can include taking a walk, performing household chores, or anything else that helps you stay on your feet and get your heart pumping. It’s also important to break up extended periods of sitting, as long sedentary periods are not good for your heart.

When trying to be healthier and change your lifestyle for the better, remember that these alterations can often take time and effort. Making incremental progress by following these recommendations and trying to remain patient is key. In the long-run, you’ll be happy you did. Seeing your doctor for regular wellness visits can help monitor the status of your heart health and identify any issues before they become serious. For more information or if you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Abraham Family Medicine today. We offer a wide variety of general healthcare services for people of all ages at our Snellville office, not far from Grayson.